Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Essay

My topic is a rally car made by the Japanese company Mitsubishi. This machine is considered one of the best rally cars in the world. And they are used as cars in our everyday life. The car I am going to be focusing on is the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution in Short Evo. The evolution is a racing car modern transportation car. | Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. The Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution short (evo) is a product of Japan. It was created as a separate branch to the lancer. The Evolution was intended as a Professional Rally car. The car turned out so well that there were numerous requests for a road car. The evolution was then turned into a sports sedan. The reason I love Evolution so much and would like others to know is because of the way the car was created. If for example you are a driver that loves a sporty car but has a family the Evolution is perfect it has five seats so that the whole family can go. The car is also 4by4 which means that it can go through stormy weather and the drive can feel confident. The Evolution has great prices as well so that means that you can get almost up to three hundred horsepower and a turbo for an affordable price. One of the reasons that the Evolution is so famous is for its handling it was created for rally racing which means that even though the sedan may be different it is still similar. The handling on an Evolution is one of the best in the world for a sedan. Due to the Gentlemen’s Agreement which stated in Japan that no production car would have more than 300 horsepower the Evolutions in Japan, Europe and North America some of the versions of the Evolution where different. In the future Mitsubishi is planning on making more Evolutions but it is still unclear about the look of the car. Mitsubishi claims that the car is going to have some medications and Versions of it might run on Electricity and there probably will be Hybrids. The Conclusion that I came up with is that if you are a family person but always wanted something sporty under $30,000 and something the whole family can go on this would be your choice. The car has magnificent handling and it is very safe. It has a very flashy look and enough power under the hood to keep you going for a long time. In my personal opinion if you have a family a two setter sports car would not go as good with the family, but a sports sedan would.

Host based Intrusion Prevention

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) recognize the presence of malicious code within traffic that flows through the holes punched into the firewall, our first layer of defense. Though, the word â€Å"intrusion detection† is a bit of a misnomer.Richard Kemmerer and Giovanni Vigna of the University Of California, Santa Barbara, elucidate in an article in the IEEE Security and Privacy magazine: â€Å"Intrusion detection systems do not detect intrusions at all–they only identify evidence of intrusion, either while in progress or after the fact.† (Edwin E. Mier, David C. Mier, 2004)An IDS recognizes security threats by detecting scans, probes and attacks, however does not block these patterns; it only reports that they took place. Yet, IDS logged data is invaluable as proof for forensics and incident handling. IDSs as well detect internal attacks, which are not seen by the firewall, and they help in firewall audits.IDSs can be divided into 2 main categories, footed on t he IDS alarm triggering mechanism: anomaly detection-based IDS and misuse detection-based IDS.Anomaly detection based IDSs report deviations from â€Å"normal† or expected behavior. Behavior other than â€Å"normal† is measured an attack and is flagged and recorded. Anomaly detection is as well referred to as profile-based detection. The profile describes a baseline for normal user tasks, and the quality of these user profiles directly has an effect on the detection capability of the IDS. Techniques for constructing user profiles comprise: (Nong Ye, 2003).Rule-based approach–Normal user behavior is characterized by creating rules, however analyzing normal traffic is a complicated task. A related approach is protocol anomaly detection.Neural networks–These systems are trained by presenting them with a large amount of data, together with rules regarding data relationships. They then find out if traffic is normal or not; abnormal traffic raises an alarm.Stat istical approach–Activity profiles describe the behavior of system or user traffic. Any deviation from normal triggers an alarm.The advantage of anomaly detection is that it can identify previously unknown attacks and insider attacks, without the need for â€Å"signatures†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ that is., predefined attack profiles.One more benefit of anomaly detection is that it's impossible for the attacker to know what activity causes an alarm, thus they cannot assume that any particular action will go undetected.The disadvantage of anomaly detection is that it produces a large number of â€Å"false positives†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ that is., alerts that are produced by legitimate activity. In addition, besides being complicated as well as hard to understand, building and updating profiles as well need a lot of work.The other most important approach, misuse-detection based IDS (also called signature-based IDS), triggers an alarm when a match is found to a â€Å"fingerprint†-a signa ture contained in a signature database. These â€Å"fingerprints† are footed on a set of rules that match typical patterns of exploits used by attackers. As there is a known database of exploits, there are few false positives.The disadvantage is that misuse-detection IDSs can merely detect already-known attacks. Besides, the â€Å"fingerprints† database needs to be incessantly updated to keep up with new attacks. The majority IDS products in the market at present use misuse detection.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Problems and the Structure of the Play Shaws Pygmalion

Problems and the structure of the play Shaws Pygmalion All the pieces show corresponds to an important claim brought Brecht contemporary theater, namely: the theater should strive â€Å"to depict the nature man as modifiable and depends on the class Amenities â€Å"[1]. far as Shaw was interested in us the character and social status, particularly evidenced by the fact that a radical restructuring of the character he made even the main theme of the play â€Å"Pygmalion†.After the exceptional success play and made it to the musical â€Å"My Fair Lady† story of Eliza was converted by Higgins Professor of Phonetics of street girls in fashionable lady, today, perhaps better known than the Greek myth. Pygmalion was a fabulous king of Cyprus, fell in love with the mess it created statue of a girl, which subsequently married after the revitalization of Aphrodite at his urgent request. Clearly the intent which pursued Shaw, calling the name of a mythical king of the play. Nam e Pygmalion should recall that Eliza Doolittle was created by Alfred Higgins in the same manner as Galatea Pygmalion.Man created man-this is the lesson that, by his own admission Shaw, â€Å"intensively consciously didactic â€Å"play. This is the same lesson, which called Brecht, demanding that â€Å"the construction of one shape was carried out according to construction of another figure, because in life we are forming mutually friend another â€Å"[2]. Among literary critics, there is a perception that the play Shaw, more than play of other playwrights, promote certain political ideas. The doctrine of the mutability of human nature, and depending on the class Gear is nothing, as the doctrine of social eterminism of the individual. The play â€Å"Pygmalion† is a good handbook, which addresses the problem of determinism. Even the author himself considered it â€Å"an outstanding didactic play?. main problem, which show skillfully addresses in â€Å"Pygmalion† was the issue â€Å"Whether the person alter the substance?. This provision in the play is specified that the girl from the East End London with all the character traits of a street child, becomes a woman with character traits of ladies of high society To show how you can radically change a person, Shaw chose the transition from one extreme to another.If such a radical change in human possible in a relatively short time, the viewer must tell ourselves that if possible, and any other change in human beings. second important question of the play – how it affects the human life. What gives a person the correct pronunciation? Is it enough to learn how to say, to change the social situation? Here's what he thinks on this subject, Professor Higgins: ?But if you knew how interesting – take the man and by teaching him to speak otherwise than he spoke, so far, making it a very another, a new creature.After all, it means – to destroy the gap, which separates class from clas s and soul from the soul â€Å"[3]. as shown and repeatedly emphasizes in the play, dialect East London is incompatible with being a lady, as well as the language lady can fit in with the essence of a simple flower girl from the eastern district London. When Eliza had forgotten the language of his old world, for it was closed there traversals. Thus break with the past was final. Eliza herself in During the play is well aware of this. That's what she tellsPickering: ?Last night, when I roamed the streets, a girl spoke with me, I wanted her to answer as before, but I did not work â€Å"[4]. Bernard Shaw paid much attention to the problems of language. The play was a serious task: Shaw wanted to attract attention of the British public to the issues of phonetics. He advocated the creation of a new alphabet, which is more would correspond to the sounds of the English language than the existing, and which would facilitate the task of learning the language to children and foreigners. o t his problem Shaw repeatedly returned throughout his life, and according to his testament large sum was left to them to research designed to create a new English alphabet. These investigations still going on, and only a few years ago published a piece â€Å"Androkl and Lion†, printed marks a new alphabet, which was selected special committee of all the options proposed for the award. Shaw, perhaps the first to recognize the omnipotence of language in society, his exclusive social role, which indirectly in the same years, said psychoanalysis.That Shaw said this in a poster-didactic, but from the no less ironic, engrossing â€Å"Pygmalion. † Professor Higgins, albeit in their narrow specialty field, but still ahead of structuralism and post-structuralism, which in the second half of the century will make the idea of â€Å"discourse† and â€Å"totalitarian linguistic practices† of its central theme of [5]. In â€Å"Pygmalion† Shaw joined his two equall y exciting topics: the problem of social inequality and the problem of the classical English language. He believed that the social nature of man is expressed in various parts of the language: in phonetics, grammar, vocabulary.While Eliza emits such vowels as â€Å"aN – aN-aN – oy-oy†, she does not like correctly notes Higgins, no chance to get out of the street environment. Therefore all his efforts are focused on changing the sound of her speech. What grammar and vocabulary of the language of rights in this regard are not Equally important, demonstrates how the first major failure of both phonetician in their efforts to re-education. Although the vowel and consonant sounds Eliza excellent attempt to introduce her into society as a lady fails.Eliza's words: â€Å"And that's where her straw hat, new, which was I get one? Stolen! So I say, who stole his hat, he and his aunt bump off â€Å"[6] – even with perfect pronunciation and intonation are not Englis h for the ladies and gentlemen. Higgins acknowledges that Eliza along with the new phonetics must also learn new grammar and new Dictionary. And along with them and a new culture. But language is not the sole expression of a human being. The release of an appointment with Mrs. Higgins has a single mistake – Eliza not know what they say in the society in that language. Pickering also admitted that Eliza is not enough to possess inherent Lady pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. It must have develop in a typical lady interests. Until her heart and consciousness is filled with problems of its old world: the killing due to straw Hats and favorable effect of gin on the mood of her father – she could not be a lady, even if its language is indistinguishable from the language of a lady â€Å"[7]. One of the theses of the play states that human nature is determined set to the identity, linguistic relationships are only its part.In the play this thesis is concretized by the f act that Eliza, along with learn more language lessons and rules of conduct. Consequently, Higgins it explains not only how to speak the language of a lady, but, for example, how to use a handkerchief. If Eliza did not know how to use a handkerchief, and if it resists a bath, then any viewer should be clear that the change it also requires a substantive change in its everyday behavior. Extralinguistic relations between people of different classes so states the thesis, no less diverse than their speech in form and content. ombination of behavior, ie, form and content of speech, image opinions and thoughts, habitual behavior and typical responses Lyuda adapted to the conditions of their environment. Subjective and objective world being correspond to each other and mutually penetrate each other. From the author be costly dramatic means to convince each audience. Shaw found a means to systematically applying a kind of alienation effect, forcing his characters time from time to act in a foreign environment, to then step by step back them in their own environment, artfully creating initially false presentation about their real essence.Then it seems gradually and methodically changed. ?Exposition† character of Eliza in a foreign environment is the impact that it is ladies and gentlemen in the audience seems incomprehensible repulsive, ambiguous and strange. This impression is reinforced by reaction ladies and gentlemen on the stage. Thus, Shaw makes Mrs. Eynsford Hill visibly excited when she watches as unfamiliar florist in a chance encounter on the street calls her son Freddie as â€Å"my dear friend ?. ? The end of the first act is the beginning of â€Å"the process of re-education† biased audience.She seemed to be merely points to mitigating circumstances that must be taken into account when sentencing the defendant Eliza. Proof of innocence Eliza is given only in the next act through its transformation into a lady. Who really believed that Eliza wa s intrusive because of innate depravity or corruption, and who could not correctly interpret the description of the environment at the end of the first act to open the eyes self-confident and proud statement that has been turned Eliza â€Å"[8]. How carefully when re-education of their readers and viewers Shaw akes into account the biases can be confirmed by numerous examples. Widespread view of many wealthy gentlemen, as you know, lies in the fact that residents of the East End are to blame for their poverty, so as can not â€Å"save†. Although they, like Eliza to Covent Garden, a greedy for money, but only to ensure that as soon as possible again wastefully spend it on absolutely useless things. They did not thought to use the money wisely, for example, for professional education. Shaw seeks a bias, as did others, first strengthened.Eliza, barely having obtained some money, already allows himself go home by taxi. But immediately begins an explanation of this Eliza's relati onship to money. The next day, she hurries to spend it on own education. ?If a human being due to the environment and if the objective being and objective conditions are mutually consistent with each other, then transformation being possible only by replacing the medium or its change. This thesis in the play â€Å"Pygmalion† is specified so that the creation possibility of transformation of Eliza her completely isolated from the old world and transferred to a new â€Å"[9].As a first step of its plan of re Higgins manages about baths, in which Eliza is released from heritage of the East End. Old dress, the closest to the body of the old environment, not even put aside, and burned. Not the slightest particle of the old World Eliza should not bind him, seriously think about it transformation. To show this, Shaw has put in place another particularly instructive incident. At the end of the play, when Eliza, in all probability, already finally turned into a lady, suddenly appeari ng in her father.Unexpected there is a check, giving the answer to the question of whether human Higgins, considering Eliza's possible return to his former life: (In the middle window appears Doolittle. Throwing on Higgins reproachful and dignified look, he silently approaches his daughter, who sits with his back to the window and therefore does not see it. ) p> Pickering. He is incorrigible, Eliza. But you can go back, right? Eliza. No. No longer. I have learned my lesson well. Now I I can not make such sounds, as before, even if I wanted to. Doolittle behind places his hand on her shoulder. She drops her embroidery, looks around, and the sight of her father's splendor all its exposure immediately evaporates. ) Y y -y! Higgins (triumphantly). Aha! Here, here! Oo-oo–y! Oo-oo–y! Victory! Victory! â€Å"[10]. slight contact with only part of its old world makes low-key and seemingly ready to conduct a refined lady at some point again in a street child, who not only reac ts as before, but, to my surprise, again, may make, seemed to have forgotten the sounds of the street.Given careful underscore the influence of the environment the viewer could easily the false idea that if the characters in the world of heroes Shaw entirely amenable to limit the influence of the environment. To prevent this Show unwanted confusion with similar care and thoroughness introduced in his play counter-theses on the existence of natural abilities and their implications for the nature of an individual. It position is specified once in all four main characters of the play: Eliza, Higgins, Doolittle and Pickering. ?Pygmalion† – is a mockery of the fans of â€Å"blue blood† †¦ ach My play was a stone which I threw into the window of the Victorian being â€Å"[11] – so the author himself spoke about his play. For Shaw it was important to show that all the qualities of Elise, which she reveals how a lady can already be found in the flower-like n atural ability or the quality of that flower you can again be found in lady. Concept Shaw already contained in the description of the exterior of Eliza. After detailed characterization of its outward appearance says: ?Without a doubt, it is in their own clean, but next to the ladies strongly believe draggle-tail.Facial features her bad, but the skin condition leaves much to be desired, in addition, it is noticeable that she needs the services dentist â€Å"[12]. transformation Doolittle in a gentleman, just like his daughter in ladies should appear on the external process. Here is how to modified only by his natural ability because of his new social status. As a shareholder cheese Trust â€Å"Friend of the stomach and prominent speaker uonnafellerovskoy the World League of moral reform, he, in Indeed, even stayed in his present profession, which,Eliza's testimony, even before its social transformation was to extort money from other people, setting in motion his eloquence. But the most convincing argument for the presence of natural abilities and their importance for the creation of character is demonstrated by the example of couples Higgins Pickering. Both of their social status gentlemen, but with the difference that Pickering and his temperament gentleman, at the While Higgins prone to rudeness. Difference and similarity of both characters systematically demonstrated in their behavior towardsEliza. Higgins, from the outset is drawn to her rude, impolite, unceremoniously. In her presence, he spoke of her â€Å"silly girl†, â€Å"scarecrow? , â€Å"So irresistibly vulgar, so blatantly dirty, nasty, spoiled girl â€Å"and the like. He asks his housekeeper Eliza wrapped in newspaper and thrown into the dustbin. The only normal conversation with her is imperious form, but the preferred way to influence Eliza – a threat. Pickering, an innate gentleman, on the contrary, in the treatment of Eliza

Monday, July 29, 2019

Operational Warfare and the Revolutionary Nature of Interwar Period Essay

Operational Warfare and the Revolutionary Nature of Interwar Period - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that operational warfare is the term derived from Russia during 18th and 19th centuries. Operational warfare is a concept based on the military theory, which suggests a norm towards the behavior and trends in the military affairs. It was developed during the period of mechanization of armed forces. It signifies coordination of different level of command from the small level of action to a higher level. The operational level has gradually changed in case of size and objectives of armies. The operational level formation was not powerful in the post-cold war era, but during the cold war and the Second World War, the operational-level formation was highly powerful. In his seminal book, The Framework of Operational Warfare Clayton R. Newell elaborates on the three perspectives of wars- tactical, operational and strategic perspectives. The activities of war change according to how it is viewed. One can understand the war by analyzing these three pe rspectives. Among these three, operational perspective is the newest which is associated with land warfare. As Newell rightly observes, â€Å"even though the origins of the operational perspective can be traced back to the eighteenth century, it remains a new idea in warfare when compared to the hundreds of years of warfare which have been studied from only the two perspectives of strategy and tactics†. It can thus be concluded that the operational warfare was an innovative mode of waging wars and it has immensely contributed to the strategic and operational formation of future wars.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Green criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Green criminology - Essay Example Towards the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, there have been a number of legislations to protect animals against human cruelty. The Animal Welfare Act of 2006 prevented such offences as causing suffering, mutilation, and indulging animals in fighting; the Wild Mammals (Protection) Act of 1996 ensured illegitimate infliction of pain of any sort to animals; the Fur Farming (Prohibition) Act of 2000 made it an offence to keep animals solely for the purpose of slaughter; and the Hunting Act of 2004 prevented both hunting wild mammals with dogs and hare coursing. In the United States, every state has sound legislation against cruelty to animals. For instance, the Humane care for Animals Act of 1973 by the state of Illinois makes it clear that the owners of the animals need to provide â€Å"a) sufficient quantity of good quality, wholesome food, and water; b) adequate shelter and protection from the weather; c) veterinary care when needed to prev ent suffering.To conclude, it can be stated that in many countries crimes towards animals today are no longer conceived as minor crimes. Studies have also shown that people who commit brutal crimes against animals are also likely to indulge in similar crimes towards humans too. As researchers at the American Prosecutors Research Institute have identified crimes against animals not only ‘generate enormous emotion and interest’ but also â€Å"there are signs of growing public and professional interest in the prosecution of crimes against animals† (APRI 2006, p. 1).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

My generation negative and postive issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My generation negative and postive issues - Essay Example Even while outside perspectives on Generation Y might overemphasize technology when examining this generation, I recognize that the explosion of the Internet and the personal computer were defining characteristics. In these regards, my generation will be recognized as the last generation to emerge in an era before the Internet. When I consider the implications of such an occurrence, I recognize that it has positive and negative elements. Millennials were the last to experience the unfettered nature of existence prior to the onslaught of technological mediation that accompanied the computer, while at the same time being introduced to this technology at a formative enough period to grasp its more subtle concepts. Undoubtedly future generations growing up in this new world will build on Internet achievements, but they will always lack the more natural connection with the physical world of prior ages. Another prominent defining characteristic of my generation is experiencing the shifting economic stratosphere. This has been a unique experience as the 90s brought unparalleled economic growth and development only to result in a bubble economy that would pop in 1999 and then, as a result of the subprime mortgage crisis, collapse in 2008. I believe this experience has had a negative impact on my generation, as we had become accustomed to one way of living only to have it taken away. When I consider movements such as the Occupy Wall Street protests I recognize that although income disparity is a pressing concern, a great amount of the protestors are simply discontent at their inability to attain high paying employment. I believe growing up in a bubble economy greatly conditioned them to expect this out of life, resulting in a youth culture of entitlement. While there are negative aspects of my generation I also recognize that there is much to be

Friday, July 26, 2019

Disability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Disability - Essay Example However, the experiences encountered served to improve the quality of my life. Through medical treatment, I even visited the US a number of times, a luxury several individuals lacked. ‘You are a very lucky child’ my mother kept telling me. I did not know the meaning of that until I could dance and exercise with my friends at 18 years old. Among the triplets, I was the only one born with a disability. My right foot was completely disabled and found it as if all hell was on me when it came to walking. I later came to note that it was ‘club foot’ as referred to by doctors. Initially, it was a nightmare for me to understand because of two reasons: I was a child and was the only one with the disability. ‘Why me’ I wondered most of the times. However, most of the doctors in my city (Maracaibo as one of them) claimed that even with the surgery and therapy that I was to undergo, it was not a guarantee for a normal life like other human beings. My parents’ resilience in searching for a competent doctor resulted in a contact with a Miami based doctor. He was a specialist and dealt with clubfoot in children. His name was Doctor Peter Romano. He was my ‘savior’ as he assured me that I would walk again and continue with my duties just as the other kids would do. As activists claim, the disabled have to go against all social, economic, political, and legal odds to make it in life. Davis identifies the historical struggles that the disabled underwent to secure the same privileges as guaranteed by the law (Davis, 16). However, I was lucky as the people around me supported me in all ways. Following intense research, I found out that clubfoot has no main cause and is caused by many syndromes (Adams 12). ‘Do your job as long as she will walk like me’ I recall my mother saying to the doctor. At the time, stigma in relation to disability study was a major factor affecting the U.S. (Longmore 350). However, the breakthrough

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business research report Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business report - Research Paper Example However, upon completion of the survey process and subsequent data screening, responses provided by 438 participants were considered and the rest were omitted. The reason behind the omission was particularly because some of the surveys were incomplete, some responses were biased and error existed in the rest (Mukherji & Albon, 2009; Saunders, Lewis & Thornhil, 2009). The data has been presented both in the form of descriptive. Application of these methodologies enabled the researcher to describe the major aspects of a set of data quantitatively (Somekh & Lewin, 2004; Spradley, 1979). The ultimate aim was to abridge a sample of data quantitatively with the application of any probabilistic model The first and foremost objective is to determine who are using the park and what the purposes behind that are. In order to achieve this objective, the researcher had to analyze question 1 through to question 4. The first question involved investigation of the main reasons that prompted people to visit the park. It is evident from figure 1 given below that 31.28% of the respondents visit the parks in order to exercise. According to 20.32% of the respondents, walking the dog is the major reason behind their visit to the park. 17.35% of the respondents visited the park in order to accompany their children to the playground. 7.99 % of the respondents visit the park in order to engage themselves in organized sports activities. Sitting/relaxing/socializing is the reason behind visiting parks for 12.79% of the respondents. Among the other major reasons that prompt people to visit their nearby park is to organize family barbecue parties or to fly aero plane models. Given the fact that, majo rity of the sample population visits the park in order to exercise, it provides an excellent premise for the researcher to conduct an in-depth analysis of their attitudes and perceptions towards outdoor exercise equipment positioned along the walk paths. As far as the

Domestic Partner Benefits for American Corporations Research Paper

Domestic Partner Benefits for American Corporations - Research Paper Example Despite that fact that this concept contribute positively towards creating a positive attitude on the labor force, this issue has led to numerous debates with many corporate stakeholders wondering whether benefits should be given to domestic partnerships or not. This paper will bring into perspective this issue by arguing for and against domestic partner benefits of employees and later provides its own opinion. The phrase domestic partner benefits could most probably be taken to refer to employee benefit programs offered to non-married couples the same or even similar benefits as those provided to the married couples. It is worth noting that domestic partner benefits can be categorised into two; same sex and opposite sex partners. According to Woodlink, 36) it is therefore upon the employer to decide which category to give the benefits. It has been observed that due to the escalating number of employers, majority of the corporations have extended the benefits to homosexuals, lesbians, bisexual as well as transgender employees and their families. It is imperative to define who domestic partners are. These are two individuals who have been in an intimate relationship for a long time and in addition to this, are financially and emotionally interdependent. However, the employers are at liberty to define who a domestic partner is. Additionally, employers wishing to implement a domestic partner plan need to create an accurate definition of what a suitable domestic partner should have. To mention but a few of these element: the partners must have attained the age of eighteen years, neither of the partner should be related by blood closer than permitted by state for marriage. In addition to this, the partners must share an intimate relationship and the relationship must be exclusive. It is worth noting that documentation of proof of a domestic partner relationship may take a number of forms. It is left to the liberty of the employer to determine what is most suitable. Some get contented with their domestic partners signing a written statement of their relationship while others just require a proof of some financial relationship for instance a joint lease or mortgage. Village Voice newspaper is said to be the first private company to provide domestic partnership benefits in 1982. By 1985, the cities of Berkeley, West Hollywood and California State followed suit. And since then, both private and public corporations have embraced this program. As a matter of fact, it was said that by 2006, most of the Fortune 500 largest American corporation provide health insurance for domestic partners of their employees. The corporate employers offer a variety of domestic partner benefits in terms of packages. These packages are either soft or hard benefits also referred to as low-cost and high-cost benefits. Majority of the American corporations offer the low-cost benefits to their domestic partners. These may include among others; sick leave, access to a corporation facilities, permission to attend both company and personal functions and relocation expenses. Other than this there are the high-cost benefits that some corporate employers offer to their employees. This may include benefits such as health and medical insurance among others (Quizterson, 78-82). Federal Defense of Marriage Act

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Opportunities and challenges by multi-national companies in setting an Essay

Opportunities and challenges by multi-national companies in setting an appropriate transfer price - Essay Example One of such implications that come with inappropriate transfer pricing, as mentioned above, is the possibility of the transfer-in subsidiary making a loss or just no profit at all on the sale of the products received from the parent subsidiary. If for example the parent subsidiary manufactures a certain product at a cost of say $700 and transfers it to the distributer in another country at a cost $800, it shall have made a positive contribution of $100. Depending on the market price, the distributer may incur another variable cost of $100 and sell the product at $1000. In this case, the manufacturer has made a profit while the distributer has not. Therefore, one side will be motivated while the other will be demoralised. Nonetheless, both sides will be required to pay tax. There is, therefore, a need to set up an appropriate transfer price that does not favor one side of an enterprise. The fact that these subsidiaries exist in different locations with different tax jurisdiction creates a complex puzzle for the MNE. It has always been a challenging task to come up with a plausible method of setting up the most appropriate transfer pricing that accommodates all these contrasting tax jurisdictions. In most host nations, when a subsidiary transfers goods to another, the local governments usually view the buy-in subsidiary as a target customer from whom to siphon revenues. This perception has led to mandatory taxation on the sales of such goods even if no considerable profit has been realised. It should be noted that the subsidiary from which the goods were transferred had also been taxed the authority under which it operates. Therefore, these two corporate have been taxed for the very product. This is called double-taxation. Double taxation is a liability to any MNE and may deter the realisation of net profit (ACCA, 2009). The principle of Arm’s Length had been proposed to resolve

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Partnership - Assignment Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Partnership - Assignment Paper - Essay Example A partnership is different from a company on the grounds that it is not incorporated and thus cannot be called a separate legal entity. However, a firm may be sued, or sue other partners if it is registered. Every partner is an agent representing the partnership firm and this function begins as soon as the partners agree to form a partnership with each other, irrespective of the fact that they began trading or not. Thus, each partner will be liable to his full extent for the debts of the firm. A partnership agreement arises out of a contract among the various partners which may be either expressed or implied in nature. There are various kinds of partners, dormant and active, in some cases, an individual might hold himself a partner only to the outside world and thus becomes liable for any debts that the firm must manage in due course. Various articles of partnership including a Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association etc must be laid down as part of the contractual agreeme nts which contain relevant information including the names of the partners, extent of capital provided, nature of the firm’s business, the ratio of sharing profits and losses, as well as the regulations for admission and retirement of partners. The main difference between a partnership and a company is that a company is a type of a corporation and is a separate legal entity except for cases where the company has been proved to be illegal in which case the corporate veil may be lifted. However, Limited Liability Partnerships are corporate bodies having a separate legal personality from their members. A partnership is a mere unity of ownership and control and may be dissolved however a company goes on even after the death of the directors. Each partner in a partnership firms has a certain liability to pay the debts because of his position within the firm if he retires, dies, or is a new partner altogether, just as he is equipped to receive the profits too. In a company however, each director or member who has subscribed is entitled to a small dividend as per the subscription. The audits of a partnership are not available for the scrutiny of the rest of the society whereas a company’s audits and shares are part of the public proceedings as well and thus open to all. When a company is formed as a subsidiary of another company, then the questions are raised whether the company which is the subsidiary of the other company works as an individual entity or on the basis of its parent’s company. In the case of Solomon vs Solomon the question raised was whether a company is an original entity in itself, and the decision mentioned that the company is indeed an individual entity in itself and operates on its own accord. Any company which is formed has the power and the ability to work on its feasibility without the interference from another company. However, nowadays the concept of veil has overshadowed the Solomon case where there is a common understa nding that a subsidiary often is run by its parent company. A partnership can be terminated in many ways. One of the most common ways of terminating the partnership is when the partnership goes bankrupt and

Monday, July 22, 2019

I Thessalonians and II Thessalonians Essay Example for Free

I Thessalonians and II Thessalonians Essay The Epistle to the Thessalonians is a two letters, generally believed to have been written by Saint Paul, that form two books of the New Testament. The letters are addressed to the members of the Christian church Paul had founded in Thessalonica (Salonica), Macedonia. In the letters, Paul answers questions and deals with problems of the Thessalonian Christians. Passages in both letters prophesy the return of Jesus to earth. Because the second Epistle in places is not characteristic of Paul’s writings in style or content, some scholars have questioned whether Paul wrote any of it. Most scholars, however, believe that Paul wrote both letters. First Thessalonians may be the oldest document in the New Testament. Here Paul gives advice to the people of Thessalonica concerning Christ’s return and encourages them to make themselves ready. Second Thessalonians discusses the same topics; however, it discusses the importance of being ready for the day when Christ will return. I Timothy and II Timothy The two books of the New Testament I Timothy and II Timothy are letters supposedly written by Saint Paul to Saint Timothy. Together with the Epistle to Titus, they are often called the Pastoral Epistles because they deal particularly with the responsibilities of Christian pastors or ministers. Many modern religious scholars doubt that the Pastoral Epistles were really written by Paul. Some of the events mentioned in them do not agree with other accounts of Paul’s life, and there are differences in style from Paul’s known writings. Many scholars believe that these Epistles were actually written long after Paul’s death, but may include small portion of his writings. Titus Titus is a book on the New Testament and believed to be written by Titus himself. Titus is believed to have been converted by Paul himself sometime before the year 49. He replaced Timothy as Paul’s representative to the Christian community at Corinth, Greece, and according to tradition was the first bishop of Crete. The Epistle to Titus in the New Testament is supposedly addressed to him. It and the Epistles to Timothy form the Pastoral Epistles. This â€Å"Pastoral Letters† gives advice about what local church leaders should do to look after spiritual needs of the people in their care. Philemon Epistle to Philemon, in the Bible, a letter of Saint Paul, who was then a prisoner, probably in Rome, to Philemon, a fellow Christian of Colossae in Asia Minor. It pleads for clemency and kindness toward Onesimus, a runaway slave whom Paul had recently converted. Onesimus was apparently set free, and was probably the Onesimus who was later bishop of Ephesus. Hebrews This book, written in the form of a letter, is a sermon about the superiority of Jesus Christ. He is shown to be superior to the angels, to the priesthood of Moses, and to the sacrifices that were made in the temple. Jesus is described as both the high priest and Sacrifice that takes away the sins of many. Written at a time when the church was being persecuted by Roman authorities, this letter encourages Christians to remain faithful to Christ and to learn from his example of self- sacrifice. James This letter of five chapters is called a general epistle since it was written to Christians in general. The book is mainly a collection of moral principles for practical Christian living, and is often summed up in the statement that â€Å"faith, if it hath not works, is dead† (2:17). The writer calls himself â€Å"James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ: (1:1). The letter has traditionally been ascribed to James, the brother of Jesus. I Peter Apostle Peter wrote this book. This letter was written to bring comfort and strength to Christians who were being persecuted for their faith for Jesus. Peter encourages them to stay strong for Jesus, he also point out that God is a perfect God and without any blemish at all. It tells of the things to do as servants of god for us to please Him and also submitting to authorities as well as in terms of marriage in the case of a husband and wife. II Peter Apostle Peter wrote this book. This letter was bears some similarities to the Letter of Jude, warns Christians about false teachers who will try to lure Christians away from the truth. The author urges Christians to remain loyal to God and to keep themselves pure because the Lord will return one day to judge the world. I John In this book, First John was written to affirm that Jesus is the Christ, warn Christians about false prophets, and to explain basic truths about the Christian life. A special emphasis is placed on the command to love one another. It tells that there is everlasting life with God and that God will always be there to help us through. 2 John Second John is a letter addressed to â€Å"a very special woman and her children,† a poetic way of speaking about the church. The author reminds the faithful about the importance of love and warns them to watch out for deceitful liars. 3 John Third John describes a conflict between the author and a church leader named Diotrephes. It urges Christians to help other followers spread the truth about Christ. Jude This letter is a warning against the Influence of ungodly and immoral people who claimed to have spiritual authority based on visions they received. These false teachers were inciting believers to disobey Jesus Christ. The author cautions his readers to keep their faith in God and to help any among them who may have doubts. The book closes with a benediction that has become a standard in many worship services: â€Å"To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever, Amen†. Revelation The Revelation of St. John the Divine, the Protestant name for the last book of the New Testament. The book is called Apocalypse in the Roman Catholic Bible. By Christian tradition the author was the Apostle John. The author, living in a time of persecution, believed that the weak Christian Church was about to be destroyed by the Roman Empire. But after the Catastrophe, God would intervene in human affairs, and the outcome would be triumph of Christ and his church. The last two chapters give vivid pictures of a new heaven and a new earth with the New Jerusalem. Revelation is not a message of doom but a call to courage and faith. The book is filled with visions and symbols, and with magnificent descriptions and lofty flights of imaginations. It was apparently written about 96 A. D when the Christian Church was suffering persecution under Emperor Domitian.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Easy Jet Competitive Advantage Tourism Essay

Easy Jet Competitive Advantage Tourism Essay Easy jet which is having Mission statement as to provide our customers the safe journey,good worth,point to point air service and to offer a reliable and consistent product and fares appealing to leisure and business markets on a range of european routes and to achieve this will increase our peoples and estabilish lifelong relation ship.this mission statement is clearly saying that wat they want and we will get in to this case study and find out how easyjet get into this position and where it is now and where it is going what it should do with the following analysis given below, Is market positioning enough to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in this industry? To analyse this activities we will use Porters Five Force analysis and SWOT and PEST analysis of this industry and we will check the value chain and competitive scope of this Easy Jet. The overall analysis will give the clear conclusion that its profitable factors and to be continued in same manner and to develop to get grow in the future. Strategy: It is defined as an alternative chosen to make happen a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a problem. Art and science of planning and marshalling resources for their most efficient and effective use. The term is derived from the Greek word (Stratigos) for general ship or leading an army. (www. Macro environment: Major external and uncontrollable factors that influence an organizations decision making, and affect its performance and strategies. These factors include the economic, demographics, legal, political, and social conditions, technological changes, and natural forces. 2. Factors that influence a companys or products development that are outside of the companys control. For example, the macro environment could include competitors, changes in interest rates, changes in cultural tastes, or government regulations. ( PESTLE ANALYSIS: PEST analysis is the tool to measure the marketing environment, and its looking the external factors of the airline industry. First we analysis the present situation of easy jet. Politico legal factors: Politico legal factors is The political and legal environment consists of government agencies, laws and the pressure groups which influence. In some situation the law also create new opportunities for starts the new business. The two important trends in the political-legal environment are to increase the growth of special interest groups and the business legislation (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.171). The Easy Jet had the political problem in Switzerland due to the delay of flights to the various cities. The basic problem for these incidents is given below.The EasyJet flights are flies into Basel and Geneva airports but with a dismal on-time record, according to status of the The online websites that tracks that the 20 most active routes for the carrier, but the Easy Jet planes from Geneva to London to be schedule about half of the time, It is the average delay of 74 minutes. Flights from London to Geneva are mismatch in its schedule by 31% of the time, and its the average delays of 38 minutes. The worst route for being on time between Palma Mallorca to Geneva, by these 82 per cent of the flights are late, according to flight stats. At no time did the company want to have such delays, said Jean-Marc Thà ©venaz, general director. We regret the situation. To help fix the problem, Thà ©venaz said that the company had decreased the number of flights during certain periods. We are trying to create some timeslots during the day when we fly less so as to be able to juggle our planes around to minimize delays, he said. He added that the company also has an extra plane on the ground in Britain that could be assigned to stay in Geneva. European Union is enlarging in the east. Its a right time the Easy Jet will increase the new market in the Eastern Europe. UK government going to increase the tax coming year .so it will affect the low cost and no frills approach. Economy factors: The available purchasing power in an economy depends on prices, current incomes, savings, credit availabilities and debts. Marketers must pay careful attention to trends affecting purchasing power, because they can have a strong impact on business (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.163). Easy Jet shares had fell up-to 7% on the last month for the fears over crewing issues. Carolyn McCall, who joined as chief executive from Guardian Media Group at the start of this month, said Easy Jet would seek to address the staffing problems, with a focus on flight delays at Gatwick airport. Douglas McNeill, said the crewing problems were worrying and we know theyve developed a problem, But we wont know the causes and the long-term costs of fixing it until November. From the volcanic ash problem the company had paid  £36m as compensation. The company had lost their estimated sales and its cost around  £29m. Easy jet said It was disappointed with the decision by the UK government not to compensate losses related to the ash cloud, which forced Easy Jet to cancel 7,314 flights. Easy Jet revenues for last three months are 5.3% to  £759m and the seats are flown up into 1.7 %. The Easy Jet peoples said It expected to make a pre-tax profit this year of between  £100m and  £150m at current exchange rates. Share Price of Easy Jet Figure: Chart of easy jet share price for last three months From my analysis the company must be on-time performance and its needs to be better the numbers staff can be improved. Sometimes it may spoil the good name, goodwill, reputation and the image of easyGroup. Socio-Cultural factors: Society shapes the values, beliefs and norms that largely define consumer tastes and preferences. People absorb, almost unconsciously, a worldview that defines their relationship to themselves, to others, to organisations, to society, to nature, and to the universe (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.171). Easyjet had a problem in the social and cultural factors. The company has various approaches to selling the air tickets through online and telephonic rather than agencies. German and France peoples are dont have much interested to use online and telephonic ticket booking and also they dont like to use credit cards and debit cards in internet booking. So the company is having difficulty to achieve the target of sale. Most of the people expecting to fly in cheap and friendly fare when we giving advertisement in newspaper like family package and also giving low cast fare  £10 per person. Technological factors One of the most dramatic forces shaping peoples lives in technology. Every new technology is a force for creative destruction. The number of major new technologies we discover affects the economys growth rate (Kotler, et al., 2009, p.169 ). Easy Jet had design the new devise to fix in the tail. Around 100km the device can detect the ash clouds. The cost of  £1m is spent by the company to develop and test the technology. Airbus is the leading manufacturer of aircrafts. The company hopes to fix the devise to all their aircrafts. It can be implemented by next year. The AVOID Airborne Volcanic Object Identifier and Detector technology is designed to work like the weather detection systems already in use for spotting thunderstorms. A lightweight infrared device would provide images to both the pilots and an airlines flight control centre, enabling pilots to see an ash cloud at altitudes between 5,000 feet and 50,000 feet. In the volcanic ash problem all the airline industries are lost more than one billion US dollars and the relevant business to the airline companies are lost twice the amount like tourist hotels, cabs, and airport authorities. In the volcanic eruption the flights are damaged massively. We have understood the basic problem of the aircrafts during the time of ash clouds. The companies are monitoring the problem of ash clouds through the satellites. But its not enough to prevent the aircraft at the time of eruption. So the aircraft companies are ready to spend millions and millions of amount to solving this problem. According to the statement of ESA (European Space Agency) from the period 1982 to 2000 the volcanic ash clouds can damage more than 100 aircrafts by average of 65 volcanic eruptions by each and every year. Around 250 m US dollar can be estimated as a loss for the airlines industries from last 25 years. The basic problem of the volcanic ash is that can be containing so many raw particles (eg glass, rocks and other relatively large objects) can damage the propeller of the jet. It can be easily affect the engine to stop immediately. Then it can damaged the sensitive parts of the aircrafts (eg clog its sensors, limit the view of its pilots, and severely scratch, or sandblast, cockpit windows, landing light covers and parts of the tail and wings). These damages are found by ESA through the satellites. Technologically Easy Jet is in the right place to develop the new trends but it can lacking to implement the technology in the aircraft maintenances. External environment: Conditions, entities, events and factors surrounding an organization which influence its activities and choices, and determine its opportunities and risks. Also called operating environment.( Easy Jet Airline Company Limited: Strengths: Easy Jet is a leading provider of low budget, no frills air travel servicing many of the leading city destinations in the UK and across Europe, including Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona, and Prague. They offer a high quality service at competitive prices and offer a number of features including ticketless travel, internet booking and assisted travel services.They have a highly distinctive livery on their fleet of aircraft making them easily recognisable and distinguishing them from their competitors. They have a user friendly website which fully discloses the price breakdown of the passengers planned travel. Offering a full breakdown of the price plan prevents any hidden charges when the customer confirms there booking. Easy Jet offers an online promotion alert which is e-mailed to existing customers and contact on the companys database. It is recognised as a leading brand name in the UK travel industry. As a market leader in an industry widely seen as a leading contributor to the green house effect and global warming, Easy Jet actively embrace there environmental responsibilities and continue to keep these factors as a keep priority when developing their future strategies. Easy Jet operate a fast and efficient service with an average turnaround time of 30 minutes or below. This enables them to maintain a reliable and hassle free service to their passengers. Weaknesses: Domestic air travel is an extremely competitive industry with EasyJets main competitors being Jet2, BMI Baby, Ryan Air plus a host of smaller independent competitors. These external competitive forces can restrict and shape pricing policy on some of EasyJets less profitable routes as they seek to compete with their competitors. They do not offer a free food service on longer flights of 2 hours plus. Opportunities: It might possible for an opening of alternative routes to major cities in Europe. A key route could be from Dublin to the UK, as this has a large potential for travellers going to soccer matches in the UK plus new links into corporate flyers to and from the UK. Offering of free refreshments on flights with a travel time of over two and a half hours. This would offer an extra perk and comfort to passengers making their experience with EasyJet all the more comfortable and enjoyable. Updated versions of the fly on the wall documentaries would provide the brand with more coverage and publicity. Threats: Competitors flying the same routes compete very competitively on price forcing pressure on margin on more popular flights and time slots. External market forces can have a significant impact on Easy Jets business, e.g. the rising cost of oil can have a significant impact on running costs putting significant pressure on the profitability of less popular routes and time slots. Pressure from unions and employee relations committees can significantly impact on the day to day operations with strikes proving to be very costly to the companys image. Economic downturn may lead to a decrease in casual flyers and corporate travel as companies seek to curtail what they see as unnecessary expenditure and in turn make less business trips. Competitive advantage: Marketing mix is the most important factors in the marketing management. Every company is using the marketing mix to attract the customers and develop the company. Marketing success of a company is depends on how much marketing mix using Fairley to cover the customers. After several studies and research the classic 4ps of marketing mix has changed into 7Ps (by Booms Bitner). However the 4ps is still the most common model of the marketing mix. By the competitive advantage we analysis the Marketing mix. It contains 4Ps that Production, Price, Promotion and Place/Distribution. Easy Jet has been named the worlds best low cost airline in the annual World Airline Awards. Skytrax made a survey for 15million passengers by the period of 11 months. It is the world largest survey among the passengers. Its shown the star ranking of the airlines and quality of the airlines. Commenting on Easy Jets achievement, Skytrax CEO, Edward Plaisted, said: Low-cost does not need to, nor should it equate to, low-quality service. Easy Jet is clear testament that low-cost operations can be delivered with a good standard of customer care and passenger service quality with their level of customer loyalty clearly demonstrating a winning formula. No-Frills, point to point air services We can hire the car from the website of Easy Jet and we can access the hotels and apartments from their websites. Place / distribution: Place /distribution refers to how the product gets to the buyer; for instance, point-of-sale assignment or retailing. This third P has furthermore at times been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or service is sold. The easy jet websites has targeted the customers those are not willing to get the tickets through agencies or third parties. The company policies are not allowed the intermediates to raise the actual price up to 20 percent to 30 percent as a commission. So the passengers do not know the actual price of the ait ticket. The company is targeted the passengers are saving the money as well as the time. The Easy Jet websites provides the customers very easy to access. Easy booking accommodation Flight schedule Cab booking And other transportation Likewise the company has provides the customers are easily book their tickets through telephone. There are unique packages for the business peoples which is having the special selection on their websites. The option is B2B-Business to Business transaction which can be indicates in the EasyJet website. Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, including promotional education, publicity, and individual selling. Branding refers to the assorted strategies of promoting the product, brand, or company. Media advertising- Pulsed, pioneering, competitive or product oriented. Comparative ads disrupt consumers beliefs re competitors. Creative campaigns create controversy, shift perceptions change rules of the game. Personal selling- Although needed, is seen as less important for destabilizing in turbulent market. Public relations- Less important, but small PR activities can nudge system towards destabilization. Sales promotions- If used with price, can be effective/destabilizing. Minor, but unusual promotions/ changes lead to major impacts. More effective than adverts inturbulent markets. Word of mouth -Very important influence-the-influencer promos. Spread info re new, amazing aspects of product. Use multiplier channels like Internet, discussion groups. Aggressive use of promotions-Aggressive use enables trends to be nudged advantage to be taken of turbulence. Speed of change- To be unusual surprising, campaigns must be short-term, changed frequently. Importance -Important to manage via nudge effect, but less effective for major changes. It is a decision of how best to communicate the product to target audience and how to persuade them to buy it (Lovelock, Patterson and Walker, 1996). No marketing program can succeed without an effective communication program. This component plays three vital roles: providing needed information and advice, persuading target customers of the merits of a specific product, and encouraging them to take action at specific times (Lovelock and Wright, 2002). Easy Jet achieved the target of 500 routes in 15 years. The company crossed 300 million passengers are live in the airports in an hour. The growth ratio of the company is increased by 10 percent while compare to the previous year. The Easy Jet is the leading low-price airlines in the European airlines industries. The advertisement strap line is Size Matters!And Its slogan is The Webs favourite airline. Their approach is called No-nonsense approach like humorous. ( Conclusion: Easy Jet need to consider regarding responding to new entrants by the segments or considering competition based on price, services, and routes that gives an advantage to keep new entries outside the market. By considering the current market trends a perfect strategy to be planned based on the marketing mix.   To discriminate the brand sustain on development lines, the company can implement a CRM (cause related marketing) offers, manage its accessibility of being a caring airlines. And by providing travelers a sense of psychological comfort and well-being while they selecting to fly by Easy Jet. On overall, Easy Jet needs to develop the accurate and realistic to serve the passengers.

Gladiator Movie Summary Essay

Gladiator Movie Summary Essay In the film Gladiator, Marcus Aurelius the Emperor of Rome chooses the victorious general Maximus Decimus Meridias instead of his own son Commodus to be his heir. Due to the lack of power Commodus was given, he condemned Maximus and his family to death. Commodus could not take the fact that his father did not choose him over Maximus so he decided to end his life by strangling him. Since Marcus Aurelius was dead, there was no possible way for rest of Rome to find out what his true dieing wishes were. Commodus made it perfectly clear to everyone that his father wanted him to take over after he passed away, because he knew people would believe him rather than Maximus. Maximus was unable to save his wife and sons life, since Commodus got to Spain first. Once he witnessed their dead bodies hanging, back in Spain, he fainted which caused him to be captured. Once Maximus was taken into slavery, he was being trained as a gladiator by Proximo. Maximus had a strong hope that one day he would b e able to escape and finally get his revenge on Commodus. Maximus wanted to take the name as Emperor away from Commodus, just as Marcus Aurelius wished, just as much as he wanted to see his family again. Under the rule of Commodus, Rome called Proximos troupe to participate in battles. While they were in Rome, Maximus plotted a plan to overthrow the emperor, with the help of his former-love Lucilla, Commodus sister. While Maximus was tied up, Commodus paid a visit and not only invited Maximus to a match between the two of them, but he stabbed him in the side, without anyone knowing. During their intense battle, Maximus was able to stab and kill Commodus, but died shortly after due to the stabbing that took place before the battle. Before the battles, they would say strength and honour to each other, for encouragement. Before Maximus escape, the other men said that quote to him to give him more strength and to reassure him that everything would be alright. Maximus said that 2000 of his men will not leave the battle, meaning they will fight to the death for Rome. Maximus tells Quintus to promise him that he will look after his family. Quintus totally went against Maximus by said he would be able to look after his own family in the after life. As in, they would all be killed. When Maximus was captured after fainting, he was being held as a slave, and Commodus sister Lucilla went to visit him. Commodus sister Lucilla risked a lot, in order to help Maximus escape his new life as a slave. Commodus was giving Lucius a history lesson right in front of Lucilla purposely. He tampered with the actual story, in order to be able to refer it to her disloyalty towards him. His story led them both to tears. Commodus stabbed Maximus while his arms were tied up, right before their fight, and he told him to smile for him now. After Maximus killed Commodus he told Quintus to free all of the slaves. Shortly after, he died and joined his family where they were waiting for him in heaven, just as that man had told him they would be. A man had told Maximus that he would see his wife and son one day, but not yet. After Maximus died, that man went up to the ground where he was buried. Areas of Focus Assignment Characters MaximusÂÂ  Decimus Meridius : Maximus was Romes greatest and most powerful general and warrior. Everybody honoured Maximus, including the Prince. He joined the army at the young age of 17 and grew to become an excellent fighter. His role in the movie was mostly based on his strength and power, but it did show his sweet side, towards his wife Cecilia. Maximus was asked by Marcus Aurelius to be named the next Caesar after his death, instead of his son Commodus. Marcus Aurelius was killed before he could tell anyone else about his request for Maximus. Maximus was later arrested by the guards, but returned home to find his family hung. Due to his exhaustion and suffering mentally and physically, Maximus fainted and was taken by thieves. The only desire that fuels him now is the chance to rise to the top so that he will be able to look into the eyes of the man who will feel his revenge. (Chris Morphy Terry, 2009). He was sold to the old gladiator Proximo, who gave him the name The Sp ainiard. After escaping, his fame came to be due to the many battles he fought, in stadiums all over the Roman world. Maximus died in the Colosseum, right after killing Commodus. His wish to have Rome return to a democracy was honoured. Commodus : Commodus was so sure that he would become emperor of Rome after his father Marcus Aurelius died, but his father told him that he wanted to give his reign to Maximus. After learning this, Commodus lost all control and strangled his father to death. Even though his father wanted to have Maximus as emperor after him, Commodus took over since he killed his father and no one would be able to find out his true wishes. He was later killed by Maximus during their battle in the Colosseum. Proximo : Proximo purchased Maximus when he was being sold as a slave by the thieves. Proximo tells Maximus, Win the crowd Spaniard. and perhaps you shall win your freedom. (ÂÂ  Jlhurtado, 2009). Costumes / Modes of Transportation The movie was set back in the medieval age time period. Times were very different back then and this film proves that. Their modes of transportation were mostly by the horse and chariot, if they were not walking to their destination. The warriors used heavy equipment in order to protect themselves from their rivalry during battles. Every single person who went into battle wore some form of protection. Some of the warriors costumes consisted of helmets, shoulder and chest pads, armor, and shields. Some of the warriors weapons that were used during a battle were spears, archery, knives, and swords. The battles that were held in these sporting event arenas were not only man versus man battles, but also man versus animal. Depending on the type of battle that was about to take place, the costumes they wore would vary. Setting The Colosseum was a famous amphitheatre which was built to hold blood sport games, which also allowed for many spectators to watch while sitting in the encircling stands. Gladiatorial combats were the main eventÂÂ  at the Colosseum and the events were usually held in the early evening. These stadiums set social control since they were indiscriminate. Whenever there was any public show, the first row of seats should be saved for senators, although these arrangements were not strongly enforced. There was not only man versus man battles but also man versus animal. The large audience enjoyed watching both and found them just as interesting as the other. Not every fight happened in a building, some of the gladiator fights took place in a forest. These battles that were fought were not only to gain power for one man, but for many people who went to watch these battles, they were seen as a form of entertainment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Dangers with Using a Cell Phone While Driving :: Expository Essays Research Papers

The Dangers with Using a Cell Phone While Driving We have all heard the debate. Is driving while talking on your cell phone distracting to the driver? If it is what should be done about it? Since the culprit of some accidents has been the cell phone, many people are calling for a ban on the use of cell phones while driving. Since 1995, at least 45 states have proposed bills concerning cell phones in automobiles, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (15). There has been one state to put a ban on cell phones while driving and that is New York. On June 28, 2001, New York Governor George Pataki signed the legislation that banned New Yorkers from using handheld cell phones while driving (15). There have also been many countries that have banned cell phone use while driving. Statistics show that cell phones have been the cause for some accidents. Each year an estimated 2,600 people are killed and 330,000 people are injured by drivers who use their cell phones (12). However out of all the wrecks that were caused by distraction, cell phones accounted for 1.5 percent. The leading factor was "things outside the car" (13). Since these statistics were released many people think that we shouldn't rush to ban cell phone use while driving. These people think that since it is only 1.5 percent of distractions there are other things that can be improved. There are still others that think that it is a big deal and because of this many studies have been conducted on the effect of cell phone use while driving. In 2001, David L. Strayer of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and his colleagues reported that people talking on either handheld or hands free cell phones during simulated drives ran red lights more often and reacted more slowly to traffic signals than when not talking on a phone (14). David L. Strayer has run many tests to see how people react while talking and driving. He recently tested college students and found that many caused rear-end collisions and reacted more slowly to vehicles breaking in front of them (14). There were even some shocking reports from the British. Direct Line, England’s leading insurer, commissioned a study at the Transport Research Laboratory. Direct Line is hoping their findings will lend support to a total ban on the use of hand-held mobile phones while driving.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Susan B. Anthony Essay -- Biography

Susan B. Anthony Susan Brownell Anthony was a magnificent women who devoted most of her life to gain the right for women to vote. She traveled the United States by stage coach, wagon, and train giving many speeches, up to 75 to 100 a year, for 45 years. She went as far as writing a newspaper, the Revolution, and casting a ballot, despite it being illegal. Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820, in Adams, Massachusetts. She was the second of eight children in her family. In the early 1800's girls were not allowed an education. Susan's father, Daniel, believed in equal treatment for boys and girls and allowed her to receive her education from a private boarding school in Philadelphia. At the age of seven her family moved to Batterville, New York. Later, in 1845 her family made their final move to Rochester, New York. At the early age of fifteen, Susan started her teaching career, thanks to her father's encouragement. She continued to teach until she was thirty. Opposing the use of liquor and wanting an immediate end of slavery, Susan displayed he...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Holocaust :: essays research papers

"If we were not an eternal people before, we are an eternal people after the Holocaust, in both its very positive and very negative sense. We have not only survived, we have revived ourselves. In a very real way, we have won. We were victorious. But in a very real way, we have lost. We'll never recover what was lost. We can't assess what was lost. Who knows what beauty and grandeur six million could have contributed to the world? Who can measure it up? What standard do you use? How do you count it? How do you estimate it...? We lost. The world lost, whether they know it or admit it. It doesn't make any difference. And yet we won, we're going on." This quote is from the testimony of Fania Fenelon. The signs and symptoms that are among the Jews because of the Holocaust definitely characterize abnormality. These abnormalities include the physical effects, the spiritual effects, and the second generation. The physical effects were enormous among the Jews. The conditions of the camps defy description. The nutrition was worse than inadequate and the results being the well-known "musselmen": skeletons covered by skin. After the Jews in prison camps were freed, their diseases were treated as well as could be treated. Premature aging was one of the most prominent disabling effects of survivors. Digestive tract diseases were also very common because of the emotional disturbances and inadequate diet during their incarceration. The experience also placed them at risk of coronary diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, and arteriosclerosis. All of this was consistent with the premature aging and the atrophy of the heart muscle due to the extreme undernourishment during captivity. Spiritual concerns also followed the survivors of the Holocaust. The Jews had to face up to one of the most painful realities of all...What it means to be a Jew. They had to decide whether or not to remain a Jew. The Holocaust had threatened the Jewish people near extinction. A anger directed towards the Non-Jewish world was intense because they had been persecuted by Gentiles. The Holocaust had caused an apparently irreversible rupture in the Jewish-Christian relations. Jews felt and still feel enraged because their expectations of a decent world were shattered into pieces by the most, supposedly, civilized people in the world. "Where was God?" wrote Elie Wiesel, a question asked many times among the Jews. They felt

Health Ans Social Care Diploma Level 3 Essay

Types of abuse and the signs: Physical Abuse- This is actual hands on intentional contact meant to deliver pain or suffering to the recipient, such as hitting, pushing, leaving people soiled and inappropriate sanctions. Signs- Bruises/ scratches. Unexplained physical marks on the body, the person may change their usual behavior such as becomes anxious or angry. Sexual Abuse- This is when an individual is not able or willing to consent to a sexual act or the person is bribed or tricked into the act. Signs- Unexplained pregnancy or STI, withdrawn, angry or anxious around specific people or persons. Emotional/Psychological Abuse – This is when a person or people of trust will make someone do things that they don’t want to do via threats of harm, bullying or fear of being humiliated or abandoned. Signs- avoiding specific people or person, becoming withdrawn or anxious in their presence. Financial Abuse- is when a trusted person or people coerce less able persons into paying for gifts, giving moneys or willing property or inheritance for personal gain, fraud or theft. Signs- Unable to pay normal bills attend outings or maintain their hobbies. They may behave differently around specific people becoming Angry or withdrawn. Institutional Abuse- is when people are treated as a group and not as individuals by an organization or care provider, such as set mealtimes and meals, bedtimes. Signs- rebellious behavior, loss of self-esteem with possible depression, may become angry with family, friends and advocates. Self-Neglect- This situation needs to be monitored over time to establish if this is Personal choice or mental health onset. Staff MUST NOT impose their own personal beliefs; it is the service user’s choice to maintain their own standards and values as part of their own individuality. Signs- when a service user’s own standards are gradually slipping and they are not expressing this as a personal choice. Staff must record all findings and discuss with the team, managers. If the service user is putting themselves or others at risk then a multi-disciplinary team will form to plan with service user agreed boundaries to keep all parties safe. Neglect by â€Å"others†- This is when â€Å"care† is not provided for a person and they suffer because of it. Signs- Over use of PRN medication. Bed sores and urine burns, Decline in the service users appearance. The service user may be withdrawn or angry, suffer from low self-esteem. Suspicion requires ACTION!!!! If you suspect Abuse or the service user reports abuse to you MUST ACT: 1 Protect The service user must be protected from the alleged abuser; they must be made safe given assurances and feel supported. They must have Medical treatment if required. They may need you to contact their friends or family for further emotional support. 2 Report Staff must report ALL suspicions of abuse and allegations of abuse made by the service user to their line manager as soon as possible. Management will inform social workers and the Adults at Risk help desk, they will instruct you to contact the police if necessary. Company policies must be followed:- Use TED (tell me, explain to me, describe to me ) to record the allegation this must not include staff members thoughts or feelings ONLY facts. Write appointment sheets if medical or police contact is made to include names, addresses and contact details. Record the outcome of each meeting. 3 Preserve Preserve any/ all of the evidence of the potential abuse. This could be a crime scene, with valuable evidence for a conviction. If in the case of sexual abuse then the forensic evidence will be necessary, discourage the service user from:- *cleaning up the area in which the alleged crime took place *Do not remove bedding or clothing * They Must not was or shower, brush hair or teeth * Keep everyone else out of the area to reduce contamination 4 Record and Refer All information the staff may have whether it be an allegation, hard evidence or simply a suspicion of abuse, it must be properly recorded in the daily notes or on statement sheets that are given to your line manager. Always record observations things you have seen or heard yourself and remember this is a legal document and you may be required to attend a court hearing. The service user in some cases will be directed to give a full account of the alleged abuse to the police which will be recorded and transcribe. All documentation of information or details of allegations should be given directly to your line manager to be stored in a safe place and made ready for the other agencies involved to access if necessary, this information is kept private and confidential to protect the service user and the investigation process. People who may be part of the multi-disciplinary team: – in the event of sexual abuse Managers -They usually refer information to the social workers and adult at risk Help Desk, they would update risk assessments and put preferred staff in place. Adult Help Desk – the managers call the help desk to inform and seek advice on specific protocol for the management of the incident. The help Desk inform social services and are the central contact threw out the gathering of information process. Social workers- To be made aware of the situation and be informed of advice/ requests made by Managers and the Adult help desk team. Police – Take professional statements and organise the collection of evidence from the scene. In the case of rape, the police will send the victim to a rape sweet to collect evidence from their person. They will give advice and support to the victim and informat ion to pass on to management and the help desk team. Family or Advocate – to assist in the support of the service user, to help them feel safe and support them to feel part of the process and understand the process. Doctors –Assist with any treatment of injuries. Offer meditational support for depression or high anxiety if required. CPN – To help ensure existing mental health issues do not deteriorate due to incident. Support workers – Preferred staff would offer on-going support to the service user for a period of time until the evidence had been gathered and the investigation was complete, and the multi-disciplinary team could put a plan together. Sources of advice, support, information to support understanding of safeguarding; Council Safeguarding course Deprivation of liberties training (DOLS) Adult At risk help desk Police non-emergency number Quality care commission Managers and senior staff Always, Always REMEMBER ! If in Doubt Check It out !!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Logical Arguments for and Against Laws Against Using Cell Phones While Driving

With more(prenominal) and more people exploitation jail cadreular ear earpieces, a new think has surfaced. Should in that respect be honors against victimisation cellphoneular knell straits piece of music impetuous? The statistics more or less disconcert cause, which includes any type of distraction, show that distract crusade causes accidents. concord to the United States division of Transportation, 5,747 people were killed because of effort distractions and fair(a) nearly 448,000 were injure in 2009 alone (1) Using a cell phone is salutary some other(prenominal) way that driver be distracted. The look at rages onshould at that place be a specific law against using cell phones slice brainish.Some states be passing laws specific anyy for inexperienced drivers, sound as they rebound the times inexperienced drivers are totallyowed to drive. For our purposed, however, we leave aloneing look at the indicate e rattlingplace whether or not i n that location should be a law banning familiar cell phone usage. This is a very sensitive subject, mostly because both sides amaze both(prenominal) logical arguments, but a variety of fallacies mess be rear on both sides of this hot rationalise. This blameless turn over is nothing new. Distracted driving has been a hot topic since 1905, and there were no cell phones back thus.The hulky advancement in technology then was windshield wiper blades. They were thought to be hypnotic, and distract drivers. (abdominal aortic aneurysm). From there it went to the radio in the 1930s. Here in the 21st century, weve come on cellular phones. Same debate, divergent details. When it comes to custody quit cell phone usage time driving, both sides gift scientific studies and statistics to back up their cases. According to a topic funded by AAA Foundation for Traffic safety, using a hands erectify whirl holds approximately the analogous distraction as ad estimable the radio ( AAA).However, there are likewise reports that having a conversation while driving with a hands free device is much more risky than having a conversation with somebody who is excessively in the car with you (Dewar 327). A recent study showed that only 2% of people mickle safely multi task while driving. This was compared to the same amount of people who would make unsloped fighter pilots (Cruz, pg 1). This quote from Matt Duffy shows how some opponents to a law feel. I volition vow to be careful while on the phone and to use a headset or speakerphone whenever possible so that I green goddess keep both hands on the wheel.But, I wont take the vow to quit using the phone in the car. (Duffy) The vow that Mr. Duffy is speechmaking of refers to a campaign by Oprah Winfrey. She has hard campaigned for a law against using a phone without a hands free device and laws against texting while driving. In a press release, she stated My biggest hope for the No environ govern campaign is that it becomes authorisation that no one uses their phone in the car or texts while driving just as seat belts are mandatory, just as driving while drunk is considered absolutely taboo, Im hoping that this becomes not just law, but second nature for all of us (Harpo).We arsehole look at Oprahs statement as an tune by Analogy. Her logic says that because we hold up got driving laws most not wearing seatbelts and driving drunk, which are both dangerous activities, we should besides look at a law about using cell phones while driving, another dangerous activity. Opponents pose some fire questions, though. As previously stated, there are other activities that distract drivers. Dealing with fryren in the car, changing the radio station, and eating are just a a couple of(prenominal). According to the NHTSA, of all 2009 fatalities that were caused by distracted driving, approximately 20% involved a cell phone (pg 8).So, they bring up laws against other distractions. Should th ere excessively be laws against these distractions, because they are just as, if not more, dangerous? (Johnstone) If we used Oprahs argument by analogy, if these activities did cause just as many accidents as cell phones, she would drive home to back laws against these things, also. But this also presents the slippery slope fallacy presented by opponents. They are saying that if cell phones are banned while driving, we wont be able to do anything that could be distracting while driving. (Kids?They would just have to walk). Opponents also show that, unlike eating in the car, cell phone usage can actually help with safety. For example, if people bid to say they are running late, they whitethorn not speed. Accidents and dangers on the road can be reported more apace (Debate). Another area of debate is enforcement. Already we are seeing that enforcement just doesnt seem to be functional very well. In areas with laws against texting, it is just herculean to catch somebody. Support ers of a law believe that new laws can be enforced, just as laws about using eatbelts and child safety seats were eventually enforced. (Reinberg). In the United Kingdom, where using a cell phone while driving is already illegal, of 2,000 people only 3% verbalise that they have ever been caught on the phone while driving. Many motorists are drop in car kits and hands free devices.The penalty in England for breaking this law is up to two years in jail. In the United States, for the few states that have laws, fines range from $50 to $600, with possible shift of your drivers license. (Johnson) One opponent of cell phone laws offered this suggestion I think kind of the penalties for causing an accident while driving distracted need to be stiffened. peradventure the loss of the license for a few years for causing an accident while texting behind the wheel would be more of a deterrent than the threat of a ticket that probably wont happen. ( selection) Opponents of a new law against c ell phones repeatedly say that there is already a law against driving recklessly. That two portion of people who can multi-task, should they be pulled all over if they are safely driving? What about the al moguly dollar?Proponents of a cell phone law state how this would rising slope money for states, save in checkup be and all other costs caused by car accidents (Cell shout fling). Opponents say that it would COST more money, tying up the court system, and there would be costs involved in changing cell phone plans (less legal proceeding would be used). Each side has their make statistics and research to back up their positions. Its a classic case of juicy evidence. Each side is only presenting development that helps their case, and none that might hurt their case.Although states have the authority to set up the actions of drivers (Debate), it has been shown that it might be more effective to have insurance companies and other markets try to regulate the usage of cell ph ones while driving. insurance policy companies could charge a higher indemnity for cell phone users. With advancing technology, this may indeed be possible. Recently there was an iPhone app released that gives reward points for not using a phone in a car. It can detect if the phone is moving more than 5 miles per hour (Svensson). The real issue at the heart of this topic is about how much control the government should have over our time. In a stark(a) world, people would not take risks while they are driving. If a person couldnt talk while driving, if it hindered their ability to drive, they just wouldnt talk while driving. Because this debate is truly about governmental control, it will most likely continue for a very long time.WORKS CITED AAA. On the course Distracted effort. AAA Exchange. AAA. n. d. Web. 19 October 2009. An Alternative to Laws Against Texting While drive? opposingviews. om. Opposing Views, Inc. 21 April 2010. Web. 5 Oct 2010. Cell Phone cast aside Would Save Money, Research Shows. Cbc. ca. CBC. 29 kinsfolk 2010. Web. 19 Oct 2010. Cruz, Gilbert with Kristi Oloffson. Distracted campaign Should Talking, Texting Be Banned? Time. com. Time, Inc. 24 Aug 2009. Web. 2 October 2010. Debate Banning Cell Phones in Cars. Debatepedia. International Debate Education Association. 11 June 2010. Web. 5 Oct 2010. Dewar, Robert E, Paul Erson and Gerson Alexander. Human Factors In Traffic guard. Tuscon, AZ. Lawyers & Judges Publishing Company, Inc. 002. Google Books. Duffy, Matt. I Wont Take the Oprah make happy Against Cell Phones While Driving. Mattjduffy. com. 29 Jan 2010. Web. 9 Oct 2010. Harpo, Inc. The Oprah Winfrey Show Hosts No Phone Zone Day Friday, April 30. Oprah. com. Harpo, Inc. 29 April 2010. Web. 3 October 2010. Johnson, Geoff with Leigh Montgomery. 9 States Ban Cell Phone employment While Driving. Is Yours On The List? csmonitor. com. The Christian Science Monitor. 23 Sept 2010. Web. 19 Oct 2010. Johnstone, Michael. What Kin d of Laws are Reasonable for Driving While Talking on the Phone? InsightCommunity. com. Floor 64. 19 Mar 2008. Web. 3 October 2010. Reinberg, Steven. Nationwide Cell Phone Ban for Drivers Urged. Washingtonpost. com. The Washington Post Company. 12 Jan 2009. Web. 4 October 2010. Svensson, Peter. Phone App Fights Distracted Driving With Rewards. yokel News. The Associated Press. 13 Oct 2010. Web. 19 Oct 2010. US surgical incision of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Traffic Safety Facts Distracted Driving 2009. Washington, DC NHTSAs National concern for Statistics and Analysis. 2010. web pdf.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The People

The People

Angela Franklin Professor Ginfrida ENC1101 22 April 2013 Neat Vs. Sloppy In Suzanne Britts â€Å"Neat People Vs. Sloppy People† and Dave Barrys † Batting Clean Up and Striking Out† both authors examine just complicated human personal relationships can be considering how many types of personalities are out there. They both fair share certain literary elements, but differ immensely in the realms of tone, thesis and organization methods.Theres only so much different other men and women can perform in order to make one feel great, wired and theres just so much you can do for themselves.They both use these literary elements to create humor in their essays. Barry for example takes the use of Pompeii common saying that â€Å"men generally dont notice dirt until it forms clumps, large enough that empty can lead to a tragedy like the city of Pompeii (261).Another allusion Barry uses is the reference to Edgar Allen Poe when he goes on to say that â€Å"they could feel the real world series television and radio broadcast rays zinging through the air penetrating right through their bodies, disease causing our dental fillings to vibrate, and all the while the women were behaving as though nothing were wrong† (262). how This enhances his story with suspense.Closed-minded women and men are considering how theyd refute another individuals thoughts, rather.

When he made that statement he was trying to say that the referring to the big game of love.In the same manner Britt went on to say that â€Å"sloppy people live in what some may call â€Å"Never Never Land† (255). What ing Britt was inferring with that line is that sloppy people are childlike and immature in a sense. When both authors used these symbols in their work it made their essays more humorous logical and relatable, its kind of like you had no other choice but to chuckle worth while reading.Have the person that youre training repeat back what youve clarified.On the other hand, Barry is a lot few more balanced in his approach of comparing men and women; he doesnt take to one side or even make the other person feel offended as Britt did.He just states the different different priorities of men and women, Barry went on to say that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course is sports† (262). Which shows that while women make cleaning priority men on the other, take professional sports as a priority. As far as thesis goes, Britts thesis was a bit vague; having late little or lets say no detail at all.We The People Hemp is simple to purchase.

However, when Barry comes in with his split thesis he many states clearly in his first paragraph that † The primary difference between men and women is how that women can see extremely small quantities of dirt† (261) which, shows that he is about to go into greater detail of why he made that statement about women. Then he goes on to say in the second part of his thesis that â€Å"the opposite side of the dirt coin, of course, is sports† (262) logical and that, he goes on to explain is the area where men tend to feel most sensitive.In deeds that part he goes into detail of why men are the way they are when it comes to the subject of cleaning. With the split of Barrys thesis he gives the reader a same reason why he makes the certain statements which, gives his essay a laid back feel where you kind of know where things could possibly be going.We The People Hemp is the best due to which one many folks feel happy now and the main factor.Britt goes on and on about sloppy people and their general sloppiness and she gives off a sense of being unbalanced when it comes to sloppy as well as neat people. For example Britt goes on to saying â€Å"For click all these noble reasons and more, sloppy people will never get neat, They aim to main aim to high and wide† (256). Leaving it at that only to go into more male bashing of sloppy people. But Barry on the other hand, shows a keen sense of balance when he approached the organic matter point by point.The working of We The People Hemp is quite effective, and everybody is getting benefits.

People senior management is an role and there are different competencies and techniques .There are an assortment of hot food items you can buy.In exactly the same time, people following a diet armed might want to earn a special effort to receive all the nutrients that they want in new addition to shunning gluten.They are more inclined if they have at least one objection to significant change their minds.

Defence mechanisms will be subsequently utilized by the brain .Lots of people become samaritan bullied or harassed in life due to their special qualities or traits.There are small lots of approaches you two can find to earn your proposition work.In the time that it may be described as positive and even an essential thing.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Describe a Place using Soapmaps

s calorie-freely(prenominal)(prenominal) frames equal in either oer the orb and plausibly you mustiness locate superstar across perceive of many a(prenominal) famed bewilders inwardly capital of the United Kingdom itself standardised brood dyad or Buckingham Palace. However, I would non land b take explaining these bulges, which you business leaderiness be al do aw be(p) of. What I scum bag usu distri more on the whole oerively(prenominal)y eviscerate whole any(prenominal) and top executive be to your wager is my barricadeearing Ho sp abrogate my headquarters. E trulyone possesses a syndicate and what turn overs it particular(prenominal) ar the heap who turn over out in there. tender of a phratry is substantial from how frequently you pity round(p tearingicate) it and how nearly you hold curtain or whole step aft(prenominal) it. So, permit us grant a meet on how does my mansion kin savor a analogous(p) and what for ce be redundant virtually it.My nursing theme is fixed in the sec einsteinium of London. You might dis extend be intimate my place by the town, Edgw ar. The effulgent temperateness in the morning time, from eastward sets my abode on fire. The glint windows from away(p) take a hop my cypher to accommodate me sense of tactual sensation out with child(p) closely myself. The trip up of my foretoken set aparts a m extinguish pleasing to e actually(prenominal)(prenominal) my guests and bestows bully wishes to all my family members from each one epoch we goof there. As you question into the chief(prenominal) access, you astound out keep a thin foyer in which at the side, you depart suss out a tog pedestal lie complicate in the watershed and fourth dimension lag for our footwears to go in there.You would be resembling sell this as eery besides intrust me, it is very effective in particular in my mob where you depart key onese lf a civilized presentment drilling gratify take give out done your stead in the lobby. I would myself slope this as laughable if I maxim this neb at anyones syndicate still since I travel to this woody horizontal surface residence, I learn the wideness of doing so. The fountainhead-favored drawback of wooden blow out of the water is that it gets pestiferous very rapidly and this is the major(ip) ingredient enforcing us to charge send on our piazza at the becharm. touching a some locomote fore from the lobby, you provide key the shrink stairs foot race upstairs to the turn in inhabits.I am non winning you to permit on my prat manner so early, so permit us go a few steps forward kind of of runway in the stairs on the left. inveterate forward, you leave alone enumerate a frosting door, which glistens and sparkles escaped from the beautiful chandelier inside. As you disperse the door, a practiced agency freshener smell use ups your pound and you cogitate yourself cosmosness in heaven. plainly when you point-blank your eye, you key out yourself in my subsisting agency. As you move your eye slightly, you reassure ternary classy dreary sofas lie on the box seat of the lead protects.They out giant bounteous and in a higher place that, they give you the brilliant comfort, as you would bid to know aft(prenominal) a gravid workings day. The move control panel in the manner displays several(prenominal) magazines and newspapers to read. My dadaism comm further interchangeables course session the newspapers and so do I only when if talk of the town about me, it would be some generation only or you rear app arntly squall it occasionally. If you sapidity slightly the walls, you impart govern my TV hung close to on the ecological niche of the quartern wall, which I would in person delimitate as the perfective aspect place to edit your TV.Firstly, it hangs straight-l aced, saves post and lastly, it stands in aim to your eyes. What else would you calculate from this splendiferous TV? And this not the end to the install appal of my tolerate. there is as well a cardinal in one kitchen, which exclusively nub kitchen to bullshit as well as dine room to eat your meal. The fitted kitchen with water closets and shelves sometimes throw away me glaze over as almost all shelves indeterminate in distinguishable armorial bearing and some are very inappropriate to your cursory expectations. only when neer judging sustenance sentence in this theatre of operations for a stratum has do me prevalent to this everyday use of kitchen and its applications.This is the place I lovemaking the most in my reside as my florists chrysanthe momma cooks me some au and sotically swell regimen, which I would revel alimentation for days. You chiffonier smell this sapid food from the entrance of the raise desire me when I come to stead fr om give lessons and promptly hasten to eat that nice food. Now, let us fork over back to the stairs, which I come outed you at the take outset printing and I work out you belike cherished to ascension up quickly at that time to look what is over there. So let me introduce you and be too- sellful sequence rise up the stairs. I would in particular remonstrate with you, as the stairs are rightfully sign and you go out probably end up move down if you assume mammoth feets.I moderate been by means of this bring forth several times and level off my junior companion who likes to adhere almost has been a dupe of this amusive however odious thing. So, as you rise up those complicated maritime dark-skinned stairs, you testament capture my parents sleeping room on the make up that girdle real processed and light-colored. You depart arise each and everything at its place, as my mama is really orderly and set up and takes fair(a) care of t he dwelling house as well as of myself. If you look over the red wall at front, you leave behind invite a monstrous wallpaper of the charge semivowel in the sea.My mum says that this is ordinarily tidy to put in the house as it generates corroborative feelings and too represents and inspires your life as you judge yourself being the send and you are touching before in the existence to acquit those nifty senior high school and destinations. Well, I like my mums taste of things and esteem her those treasured thoughts, which you cannot upright recover of. So at last, I depart show you my chamber plainly do not be kayoed and may be shock to enamor it. As shortly as you rotate the door, you entrust settle handsomehearted posters hung more or less on docile colorful walls. in that respect are vignette pictures and slipperiness bears, which get out await as mellisonant as me. On my bed you go forth watch over all dress spread head around and t he room provide be whole several(a) as compared to my parents neat and clean bedroom. I defecate withal got a information processing transcription system laid on the dishearten at the box of the room on which you testament commonly recoup me working. The big calendered reflect on the door of the cupboard reflects my take in to come on as a shiny star. The apt sunrays click through three heavy(a) windows just after my bed to mountain chain my eyes and brace me up in the morning for school.I cover my face with my blanket to void the pictorial light but then the clock alert goes off to wake up me up. At last, I give up sleeping and get up to get ready for school in the morning. This is what my bedroom is like where you result find things unlike and alike. This is what my house offers and this is how my house is like. A peachy know with a electrifying drape environment testament fill you with novelty and make you cheerful to take up a corking day out. I rely you enjoyed this intrepid go of my home and had a satisfactory stem of how a correct home should be, like my one. Dont you destine so?